BART, Cable Cars, and Model Trains
BART is the Bay Area Rapid Transit. For the overwhelming majority of riders BART is a method of getting to their destination. If you have a train obsessed 2 year old sometimes BART itself is the destination. On Saturday Ewan and I drove to the East Bay to ride the BART Trains. Kids will do strange things to your world. Public transportation becomes entertainment. Every time we see a bus, he starts asking, "ri da bus. ri da bus." Maybe next weekend.

Today we went to San Francisco to ride the Cable Cars. We got on at Powell and rode up to the Cable Car Museum. Ewan loved it. He was such a good boy to. We did quite a bit of walking and he never asked for "uppies." Naturally he was so worn out that he fell asleep out as soon as we got in the car. He's still napping now.
Last Sunday, we drove over to Point Richmond and visited the Golden State Model Railroad Museum. Imagine a small warehouse 200' x 50' filled with model train layouts. They've been there for years and the detail is amazing. It isn't like there's a switch yard, and there's a town, and there's a mountain pass. Instead, they have Newark circa 1950, the westbound Altamont Pass, and everthing else is a detailed replica of local railroading history.
On the way home we stopped to watch a real freight train go by. Normally getting stuck at a train crossing is annoying or even infuriating. When Ewan is with me it is a cause for celebration.
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