Sunday, January 14, 2007

Our Fun Train Videos

Ewan and I (well mostly I) have been having fun making movies with Quicktime. It's not pro quality but video editing for $30 can't be beat. I've been looking into different ways to share the videos, and I finally settled on using google video to host the files. It's easy, free, and anyone with internet access can watch them.

I made the first one the same day that I bought Quicktime. It sure is easy to loose track of time when editing. It has footage of various train related fun things that Ewan and I had done recently. It's called "Daddy's Train Video."

Here is a direct link to Daddy's Train Video. By following this link you can watch it full screen!

The next one that we made was a slide show of an outing on BART (that's Bay Area Rapid Transit for you non-locals). No soundtrack this time.


After that we had some fun filming Ewan's birthday present, which was a Lionel O-Scale Thomas the Tank Engine, and the table and layout I made for him. The cool thing here is that Ewan supplied the sound effects. Towards the end you may hear a "chuffing" noise. That is Ewan, and he did that without any prompting.

Thomas Rides Again

This one was lots of fun to make. I set up my camera on a tripod buy the train table. I would tell Ewan, "Move Thomas until he touches my finger." Ewan would run around the table and move the little train. Then he would run back and push the button to take the picture. We did this over, and over, and over... That's the nature of stop motion video.

Stop Motion Thomas

This last one we shot a week or two ago and I edited it down earlier this week. Ewan's Lionel Thomas has been in the shop since early October. For over two months he would ask me every day, "Maybe Thomas is better? Maybe we can go get him at Gunnings?" As Christmas approached I knew I wanted Ewan to have a train around the tree so I bought another train. It is a used K-line train. It's not nearly as cute but it is a neat train.

Fun With Ewan's Train

WoooHOO! Now I have a video blog!!


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